Top 3 Tools for Testing Your Mobile Web Design


There is no doubt that business need to build a mobile web design, irrespective of your business. While there are many tools to create your website as you envision it, it also becomes imperative that you first test your mobile website thoroughly before you send it live on mobile devices of your choice. The main issue here is that you are dealing with far too many mobile devices and mobile operating systems. Hence, testing your website on each of these devices would turn out to be laborious and expensive. To make your job simpler, there are useful tools available to help you ensure that your website is absolutely mobile-friendly. Here, we bring you a list of the top 7 tools for testing your website intended to go live on mobile devices.


Mobile Web Design Tool #1: W3C mobileOK Checker

The W3C mobileOK Checker is one of the best tools available to you to help you test the efficacy of your website on mobile devices. This tool performs several tests on a web page before it estimates the level of compatibility of your website with the mobile web. W3C has developed a mobileOK Basic Tests 1.0 specification, which works to give you a clear idea of the mobile-friendliness of your website.

Mobile Web Design Tool #2: iPhoney

A very accurate iPhone tester, this is also available to you completely free of cost. Though iPhoney is not really a simulator, it allows you to build 320 by 480 px websites, compatible with the iPhone screen specifications. This implies that you can test both your code and your website images in the actual Apple Safari type of environment, including all the features of the original iPhone, such as zoom, landscape, plugins, portrait modes and so on.


Mobile Web Design Tool #3: Google Mobilizer

Google Mobilizer is a simple and user-friendly tool to test your website on mobile browsers. In order to work with this tool, you merely need to enter your webpage address into the box provided for this purpose. Once that is done, you can easily firm and tweak your webpage to make it most mobile-friendly. This is one of the best mobile web design tools for you, as it gives you an actual visual input of your page on the mobile web.

There are still so many tools that you can use; you just have to do your research. Thanks to these tools, testing your web design on various mobile devices is made quicker and easier.

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